Project Categories

Mood and Behavior Disorders in Children and Adolescents - Past, Present, and Future

Award Year: 2013 Investigator: Laura Hirshbein
Over the last decade, researchers and epidemiologists have reported extraordinarily high rates of mental illness among American children and adolescents. Though it would seem logical to focus policy interventions on access to care and dissemination of evidence-based practices, what if the prevalence data is based on problematic methods to diagnose mental illness?

A Prescription for a Healthy Childhood: A History of Children and Pharmaceuticals in the United States

Award Year: 2009 Investigator: Cynthia Connolly
The growing use of pharmaceuticals in children raises complex and troubling policy issues. How can we conduct research on safety and efficacy, ensure patient safety, provide access to promising treatments, and encourage private sector innovation and product development, all the while protecting children? Cynthia A. Connolly, Ph.D., R.N., P.N.P., an associate professor of nursing at the University of Pennsylvania, probes the many dimensions of this dilemma through a historical lens.

ADHD Medication in America: Society, Schools, and Public Policy

Award Year: 2008 Investigator: Richard Scheffler, Stephen Hinshaw
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects over 4 million children in the United States. The disorder inhibits academic achievement and the development of social relationships, life skills, and independence. Yet the causes of ADHD and its diagnosis and treatment remain mired in controversy. Co-PIs Richard M. Scheffler, Ph.D. and Stephen P. Hinshaw, Ph.D. examine clinical and policy issues surrounding the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD.

Dynamics of Economic Disadvantage and Child Health Development

Award Year: 2002 Investigator: J. Lawrence Aber, Mary Clare Lennon
Poverty takes its toll on health and development during childhood as well as in future life. Mary Clare Lennon, Ph.D. and J. Lawrence Aber, Ph.D. offer a new approach to measuring children's economic circumstances.

Development of a Typology of Risk for Child Health: The Intersection of Social and Medical Factors

Award Year: 1999 Investigator: Laurie Bauman, Ruth Stein
Social and environmental factors have powerful effects on health status, utilization, and costs of care among children. Child health policy in the U.S., however, has focused primarily on biomedical determinants of health, ignoring most social risks. This project augments traditional biological risk factors such as previous access to health services and chronic illness used by policymakers. Drs.

Family, Community, and Health

Award Year: 1999 Investigator: Dalton Conley
Dr. Conley investigates the impact of family background on child health. He compares health, developmental, and behavioral outcomes among children from the same family, extended family, and community of origin.

Children's Health Policy: Actors, Issues, and Process

Award Year: 1998 Investigator: Kay Johnson, Alice Sardell
This project analyzes how the process of policymaking has shaped children's health policy in the U.S. during the last 20 years. Using analytic models derived from political science literature, it examines and compares the origins, history, and fate of seven major proposals to expand child health services or financing. These include Medicaid expansion, children's health insurance, immunization, school-based clinics, definitions of childhood disability, and home visiting.

Changes in Health Status for Children With Chronic Health Conditions: Perspective on the Dynamics of Changing Scientific Knowledge, Services and Policy

Award Year: 1997 Investigator: Steven Gortmaker, James Perrin
The number of children in the U.S. suffering chronic health conditions more than tripled in the past three decades. However, public policies and programs have lagged behind the growth of new knowledge, limiting access to needed services. Focusing on SSI, Medicaid, Maternal and Child Health, and special education, Drs. Perrin and Gortmaker examine the prevalence and program participation of children with chronic health conditions, paying close attention to children living in poverty.