Project Categories

Dynamics of Economic Disadvantage and Child Health Development

Award Year: 2002 Investigator: J. Lawrence Aber, Mary Clare Lennon
Poverty takes its toll on health and development during childhood as well as in future life. Mary Clare Lennon, Ph.D. and J. Lawrence Aber, Ph.D. offer a new approach to measuring children's economic circumstances.

Poverty and Inequality in Mortality: Individual Behavior, Societal Solutions

Award Year: 1998 Investigator: Harriet Duleep
Dr. Duleep seeks greater understanding of how low socioeconomic status affects mortality in the U.S. Her overarching hypothesis is that poverty impacts mortality through its effect on perceived returns to investments in health and to human capital. This project tests the behavioral investment hypothesis against alternatives for explaining income's role in creating mortality differences.

The Impact of Growing Income and Wealth Inequality on Health in the United States

Award Year: 1997 Investigator: Peter Arno
Dr. Arno assesses the impact of growing income and wealth inequality on health in the U.S. He explores the mechanisms through which economic disparities affect health and identifies implications for public policy. Two approaches are used to model the relationship between income and health: an aggregate national time series model and a pooled, cross-sectional time series model using states as the level of analysis.

Income Inequality, Social Capital, and Health: A New Synthesis

Award Year: 1996 Investigator: Ichiro Kawachi, Bruce Kennedy
Inequalities in health by socioeconomic status (SES) are large, pervasive, persistent, and widening. Most theories attempting to explain them use individual-level indicators of SES such as income, educational attainment, or occupation. In contrast, this project builds on a new hypothesis of unequal distribution of income as a determinant of health. Drs.

The Concept of Fundamental Causes in Explaining Social Inequities in Health

Award Year: 1995 Investigator: Bruce Link, Jo Phelan
Drs. Phelan and Link believe that certain social conditions, such as socioeconomic status (SES), may be fundamental social causes of health and disease. Their health and policy relevance which involve access to resources such as money, knowledge, power, prestige and the social connections that determine the extent to which people are able to avoid risks for morbidity and mortality are explored.