Project Categories

Federalism and Strategies for Reform in American Health Policy

Award Year: 2004 Investigator: Margaret Weir
American health policy is a quintessential example of "marble cake" federalism: a complex mix of responsibilities shared between states and the federal government. Margaret M. Weir, Ph.D. probes the interplay between state and federal political arenas in her Investigator Award project, Federalism and Strategies for Reform in American Health Policy.

Against All Odds: Health Care Reform in the States

Award Year: 2002 Investigator: Virginia Gray, David Lowery
Over the past several years, the federal government and many states have considered ways to address insurance coverage gaps, prescription drug coverage, and problems with managed care. While most federal reform attempts to date have been thwarted, many more reforms have passed in the states. Virginia Gray, Ph.D. and David Lowery, Ph.D. focus on interest groups in their project, Against All Odds: Health Care Reform in the States. Drs.

With the Help of Their Friends: Lobbyists and Legislators in Health Policymaking

Award Year: 2000 Investigator: Richard Hall
Exploring the role and influence of interest groups in policymaking, Dr. Hall will build on previous experience in developing a new theoretical framework, which casts lobbying in a different light.