The Impact of Commercialization on Academic Health Research

Award Year:
Daniel Greenberg
Health Services Research
Daniel Greenberg, a guest scholar at The Brookings Institution and a journalist and book author who has covered health policy and politics throughout his career, examines how commercial influences have affected people and programs in academic health research. His project, The Impact of Commercialization on Academic Health Research, takes a fresh look at the variety of effects -good, bad, and uncertain - that have arisen from mixing university science and commerce. In interviews and data collection, Mr. Greenberg will focus on the influence of commercial partners on academic research and training programs, effects on academic staff work time, job market value of campus-based commercial research experience, closeting of research data and materials, distortion of published research data, and erosion of public property rights in publicly financed research. His findings will highlight those areas where greater protection of the public interest is warranted.