Project Categories

Explaining Elevated Health Risks of the Black Middle Class

Award Year: 2005 Investigator: Pamela Braboy Jackson
Although life expectancy and overall health have improved in recent years for many Americans, African-Americans continue to experience higher morbidity and mortality rates than whites from heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, and other medical conditions. Many of these disparities exist even when comparing middle-income African-Americans to lower-income whites. Pamela B. Jackson, Ph.D. examines this perplexing divide in her project, Explaining the Health Risks of the Black Middle Class.

The Health of Mexican Immigrants in the United States: Acculturation or Cohort Effects?

Award Year: 2004 Investigator: José Escarce, Leo Morales
Hispanics are the largest and fastest-growing ethnic group in the U.S. Nearly 60 percent are of Mexican origin, many of them recent immigrants. Despite the size and continued growth of this population, large gaps remain in our understanding of the factors that affect the health and health behaviors of Mexican immigrants. Co-investigators José J. Escarce, M.D., Ph.D. and Leo S.

Weathering Among African Americans in Persistent Poverty: Implications for Health Policy

Award Year: 1997 Investigator: Arline Geronimus
Rates of early health deterioration and excess mortality among African Americans in poverty can be staggering and are primarily attributable to chronic disease. Dr. Geronimus coined the term weathering to suggest that cumulative experience with social inequality and stressful environments contributes to this rapid health decline.