Ilan Meyer on Think Progress
Ilan Meyer (2008 Awardee) was quoted in "What Happens When Gay People Are Told That Homosexuality Is A Sin?" on Think Progress, June 24, 2016.
Ilan Meyer (2008 Awardee) was quoted in "What Happens When Gay People Are Told That Homosexuality Is A Sin?" on Think Progress, June 24, 2016.
Peter Ubel (2007 Awardee) was quoted in "Health care costs? Let's talk" on WHQR Public Radio, June 17, 2015.
Jens Ludwig (Awardee 2009) is quoted in the "Marketplace" article, "Just who is a "gun dealer?" on January 5, 2016
Gary Taubes (2008 awardee) in Banting Briefing - "Gary Taubes on carbs: they make you fat and give you heart disease", February 19, 2015.
Aaron Kesselheim (2011 Awardee) was quoted in the blog post, "Congress Continues Spree of Proposing Alternative Incentives for Product Development: the 'CBRN Countermeasure PRV'" on the FDA's Law Blog, October 22, 2015.
Frank Levy (2007 Awardee) was mentioned in "Automated cars could threaten jobs of professional drivers" on Augusta Chronicle, November 4, 2016.
Debra Umberson (2011 Awardee) was the recipient of the Sociology of Aging and the Life Course Matilda White Riley Distinguished Scholar Award by the American Sociological Association.
Bernice Pescosolido (Awardee 1999) co-publishes a study in "Global Mental Health" titled: "At the Intersection of Lay and Professional Social Networks: How Community Ties Shape Perceptions of Mental Health Treatment Providers" in January 2016
Matthew Nisbet (Alumnus 2008) quoted in the "Marketplace" news article, "Global warming could be a disaster sooner than later" on March 22, 2016
Sandro Galea (2006 Awardee) in "3 Insights About Inequality in American Health Care" in Science of US, April 11, 2017, writes "A National Security Health Hazard"