Urban Health

Mindy Fullilove

Mindy T. Fullilove is professor of urban policy and health in the Milano School of International Affairs at The New School. She was previously professor of clinical psychiatry and public health at Columbia University and a research psychiatrist at New York State Psychiatric Institute. She began her research career examining the AIDS epidemic among people of color in the US. As it became clear that AIDS was related to place not race, she began a series of studies on the psychology of place.

Eric Klinenberg

Eric Klinenberg is professor of sociology and director of the Institute for Public Knowledge at New York University. He is conducting a multi-year study of the extraordinary rise in living alone. He reported on parts of this research for NPR?s This American Life.

Gerald Markowitz

Gerald Markowitz is distinguished professor of history at John Jay College of Criminal Justice and the Graduate Center, City University of New York. He received his doctorate from the department of history of the University of Wisconsin. He is the recipient of numerous grants from private and federal agencies, including the Milbank Memorial Fund, National Endowment for the Humanities and the National Science Foundation. He won the Viseltear Prize for Outstanding Work in the History of Public Health from the American Public Health Association in 2000.

David McBride

David McBride is professor of african american studies at Pennsylvania State University. He is also with the Center for Health Care and Policy Research at that institution. Dr. McBride is a graduate of Denison University and completed graduate school at Columbia University. He has received major research grants from the Simon Rifkind Center of the City University of New York and the Rockefeller Foundation. McBride has been a visiting professor at the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University and Morehouse School of Medicine.

Victor Rodwin

Victor G. Rodwin, professor of health policy and management at NYU's Robert F. Wagner School of Public Service and co-director (with Michael K. Gusmano) of the World Cities Project. He teaches courses on community health and medical care, comparative analysis of health care systems and international perspectives on health care reform. Professor Rodwins' RWJF Investigator Award on "Health and Megacities: A Neglected Dimension of U.S.

David Rosner

David Rosner is Ronald H. Lauterstein Professor of History and Public Health at Columbia University and co-Director of the Center for the History of Public Health at Columbia's Mailman School of Public Health. He and Gerald Markowitz authored Deceit and Denial: The Deadly Politics of Industrial Pollution (2002). Their newest book entitled Are We Ready?: Public Health since 9/11 appeared on the fifth anniversary of September 11th. He received his B.A. from City College of New York, M.P.H from the University of Massachusetts and his doctorate from Harvard in the History of Science.

Robert Sampson

Robert J. Sampson is the Henry Ford II Professor of the Social Sciences, director of the Boston Area Research Initiative and former chair of the department of sociology at Harvard University. Before that he taught for twelve years in the department of sociology at the University of Chicago and seven years at the University of Illinois. Sampson was a Senior Research Fellow at the American Bar Foundation from 1994-2002, and in the 1997-8 and 2002-3 academic years he was a Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences in Stanford, California.

Rodrick Wallace

Rodrick Wallace, a research scientist at the New York State Psychiatric Institute, received a B.S. in mathematics and a Ph.D. in physics from Columbia University, and was subsequently tutored in ecosystem analysis by Deborah. A recipient of an Investigator Award in Health Policy Research from The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which led to the publishing of his 1999 book, A Plague on Your Houses: How New York Was Burned Down and National Public Health Crumbed.

Celeste Watkins-Hayes

Celeste Watkins-Hayes is an associate professor of African American studies and sociology at Northwestern University and currently serves as chair of the Department of African American Studies. In addition to her faculty appointment, Watkins-Hayes is a faculty fellow at Northwestern's Institute for Policy Research and Cells to Society (C2S): The Center on Social Disparities and Health. From 2004-2009, she was a visiting summer fellow at the Center for AIDS Prevention Studies at UC, San Francisco.