Project Categories

Infertility and Assisted Reproduction from the Development of in vitro Fertilization to the Present: Medicine, Culture, Policy, and Practice

Award Year: 2013 Investigator: Margaret Marsh, Wanda Ronner
The United States, as virtually the only developed nation with no national policy on assisted reproduction, has been called the “wild west” of reproductive medicine. For forty years now, the federal government has refused to fund, regulate, prohibit or approve reproductive technologies or practices such as in vitro fertilization, sperm, egg and embryo donation, or the use of gestational carriers and surrogates.

Toward a Women's Health Policy: Exploring Gender Issues in U.S. Health Care

Award Year: 1993 Investigator: Carol Weisman
Dr. Weisman critically examines contemporary issues in women's health care in the U.S., enabling policymakers and providers to improve services within the context of health care reform.