Project Categories

Direct-to-Consumer Advertising: Do Television Pharmaceutical Ads Prompt More Than Just Prescription Requests?

Award Year: 2006 Investigator: Dominick Frosch, Jose Pagan
Direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs, permitted only in the United States and New Zealand, has been shown to influence patients' requests for prescriptions from their doctors and to contribute to increased drug utilization and spending.

Impatient Consumers: Consumer Culture and the Making of Modern American Medicine

Award Year: 2002 Investigator: Nancy Tomes
Intertwining of modern medicine and modern consumer culture in America has had both positive and negative effects on health and health care, according to Nancy J. Tomes, Ph.D. In her Investigator Award project, Impatient Consumers: Consumer Culture and the Making of Modern American Medicine, Dr. Tomes studies medical autonomy and authority, patients' demands for services, and the tension between professionalism and commercialism.