Jason Karlawish in NewsWorks
Jason Karlawish (2008 Awardee) was interviewed in "How old is too old? Two ethicists debate quality of life as we age" in NewsWorks, November 26, 2014.
Jason Karlawish (2008 Awardee) was interviewed in "How old is too old? Two ethicists debate quality of life as we age" in NewsWorks, November 26, 2014.
Howard Markel (2007 Awardee) was quoted in "Pus, grenades and Ben Franklin: America’s first great vaccine debates" on Newsworks, April 23, 2015.
Jason Karlawish (2008 Awardee) was quoted in "When difficulty balancing the checkbook is a tip-off of more to come" on NewsWorks, May 11, 2015.
Sandro Galea (2006 Awardee) was quoted in "In the wake of devastation, regaining normalcy can be deeply healing" on Newsworks, August 20, 2015.
David Rosner (Awardee 2002) is quoted and book mentioned in "NewsWorks" news article, "Lead paint was banned 40 years ago. Why is it still a problem in PA. cities?" on February 26, 2016
Edward Maibach (Awardee 2008) inteviewed by Don Shelby on "MPR News" to discuss "Climate Cast: Why so little climate coverage on TV news?" on March 11, 2016
Harold Pollack (Awardee 2011) writes an opinion article in "The Reality-Based Community" titled: "Pollack super-pac endorsement: Hillary Clinton for President" on March 14, 2016
John Cawley (2013 Investigator) in "Essay: Death of Carrie Fisher a reminder for women to guard their hearts" in NewsWorks, January 2, 2017