Theodore R. Marmor Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus
School of Management
Yale University
Discipline: Political Science
Expertise: Insurance, Politics and Policymaking
Investigator Award 
Political Analysis: Applications to Health Care and Health PolicyAward Year: 2000 Professors Marmor and Klein seek to improve the understanding of health care policymaking while contributing to a more informed discussion of options among academics and policymakers. Building on their earlier work, they will focus on the politics of decision making in the widest sense: the constraints and opportunities created by existing institutions, administrative capacities, and the structure of interests in the health policy arena. The project will provide a framework for analyzing the dynamics of the policy process and categorizing health care issues. The investigators will draw on the findings of other health policy studies and use them to test the framework. Among the specific topics to be addressed are the political struggles over systemic reform, rationing, prevention, professional accountability, consumer empowerment, health panics, and moral crusades.
Theodore R. Marmor is professor emeritus of public policy and management at the Yale School of Management and Professor Emeritus of Political Science. Theodore (Ted) Marmor's scholarship primarily concerns welfare state politics and policy in North America and Western Europe. He particularly emphasizes the major spending programs, which is reflected in the second edition of The Politics of Medicare (Aldine de Gruyter, 2000) and the book written with colleagues Mashaw and Harvey in the early l990s, America's Misunderstood Welfare State (Basic Books, l992). The author or co-author of eleven books, Marmor has published over a hundred articles in a wide range of scholarly journals, as well as being a frequent op-ed contributor to US and Canadian newspapers. His most recent book, Fads, Fallacies and Foolishness in Medical Care Management and Policy, was published in 2007 by Imperial College Press. Professor Marmor began his public career as a special assistant to Wilbur Cohen (Secretary of HEW) in the mid-1960s. He was associate dean of Minnesota's School of Public Affairs, a faculty member at the University of Chicago, the head of Yale's Center for Health Services, a member of President Carter's Commission on the National Agenda for the 1980s, and a senior social policy advisor to Walter Mondale in the Presidential campaign of 1984. He has testified before Congress about medical care reform, social security, and welfare issues, as well as being a consultant to government and non-profit agencies.
- Marmor, T., Oberlander, J., White, J. Medicare's Reality is Not What it Seems: Response to Joseph Antos. J of Policy Analysis and Management, Jun 2011, 30: 3.
- Marmor, T. Medicare's Politics. J of Health Politics, Policy and Law , Apr 2007, 32(2): 307-15.
- Marmor, T.R., Mashaw, J.L. Understanding Social Insurance: Fairness, Affordability, and the 'Modernization' of Social Security and Medicare. Health Affairs, 2006, 25(3): 114-34.
- Marmor, T., Freeman, R., Okma, K. Comparative Perspectives and Policy Learning in the World of Health Care. J of Comparative Policy Analysis, 2005, 7(4): 331-48.
- Marmor, T.R., Hacker, J.S. Medicare Reform and Social Insurance: The Clashes of 2003 and Their Potential Fallout. Yale J of Health Policy, Law, and Ethics, 2005, 5(1): 475-89.
- Marmor, T. Comments on the Retrospective Issue. JHPPL, 2004, 20(4-5): 569-74.
- Marmor, T.R. The Presidential Election, US Social Policy and Whether Canadians Should Care. Policy Options Journal, Dec 2004/Jan 2005, 26, 1.