Marc A. Rodwin J.D., Ph.D.
Suffolk University Law School
Discipline: Ethics, Law
Expertise: Ethical Dilemmas and Allocation of Resources, Managed Care, Physician Practice Arrangements
Investigator Award 
Accountable Health Care: Competing Interests, Goals and Policy ApproachesAward Year: 1994 This project explores the quest for responsible health care by examining the accountability of physicians, administrators, and organizations to consumers of health care, payers, and the general public. Accountability is looked at in the context of managed care organizations. Particular emphasis is placed on examining tensions and trade-offs among competing parties, and how changes in health policy affect accountability. Dr. Rodwin clarifies the concept and use of accountability in various disciplines; describes how it became an issue in health policy and how thinking about accountability has evolved. He suggests ways to improve accountability in health care, drawing lessons from other fields, including education and law enforcement. Central to the study is a comparison of the pros and cons of five mechanisms for promoting accountability: ethics and informal norms; political voice or representation; financial controls and incentives; administrative processes; and law.
Marc A. Rodwin is a professor of law at Suffolk University Law School. He is the author of Medicine, Money and Morals: Physicians' Conflicts of Interest (Oxford University Press, 1993) and has published in law, medicine, and policy journals on the relation between law, ethics, and markets in health care. His research is on: 1) Physicians' conflicts of interest in the U.S, Japan and France; 2) health care consumer voice and representation; 3) accountability in managed care; 4) consumer protection in health care. Rodwin has testified before Congress and state legislatures and served on government commissions and advisory boards, including the Food and Drug Administration and the Indiana Commission on Hospital Antitrust. He has participated in meetings sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences - Institute of Medicine, the American Bar Association, the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, the American College of Physicians, the Health Care Financial Management Association, the National Health Policy Forum and other groups. Rodwin has also assisted consumer groups including the Consumer Federation of America, Public Citizen Health Research Group, the Center for Medicare Rights, and Consumer Coalition for Quality Health Care. He serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, the American Journal of Law and Medicine, and Health Expectation: An International Journal of Participation in Health Care. He has published in the New England Journal of Medicine, Health Affairs, Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, Milbank Quarterly, American Prospect, Ethics and Behavior, American Journal of Law and Medicine, National Health Law Journal, and several other law reviews. Prior to joining Suffolk University, Rodwin was Associate Professor at Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs and a lecturer at Tufts and Brandeis Universities. He holds a Ph.D. from Brandeis University in Health and Social Welfare Policy and a J.D. from the University of Virginia Law School.
- Rodwin, M.A. The Case for Public Ownership of Patient Data. JAMA, 2009, 302(1): 86-8.
- Rodwin, M.A. The Dark Side of a Consumer-Driven Health System. Frontiers of Health Services Management, 2003, 19(4): 31-4.
- Rodwin, M.A. The Politics of Evidence-Based Medicine. JHPPL, 2001, 26(2): 439-46.
- Rodwin, M.A. Physicians' Conflicts of Interest in Japan and the U.S. JHPPL, 2000, 25(2): 343-75.
- Rodwin, M.A. Backlash as Prelude to Managing Managed Care. JHPPL, 1999, 24(5): 1115-26.
- Tai-Seal, M., Rodwin, M., Wedig, G. Drive Through Deliveries: Where Are the 'Savings'?. Medical Care Research and Review, 1999, 56(1): 20-46.
- Rodwin, M.A. Conflicts of Interest and Accountability in Managed Care: The Aging of Medical Ethics. J of the American Geriatrics Society, 1998, 46(3): 338-41.
- Rodwin, M.A.ÊConsumer Protection and Managed Care: The Need for Organized Consumers.ÊHealth Affairs, 1996, 15(3): 110-23.
- Rodwin, M.A.ÊConflicts in Managed Care.ÊNEJM, 1995, 332(9): 604-7.