Jacqueline Zinn Ph.D.

Fox School of Business and Management
Temple University
Email: zinn@temple.edu Discipline: Management Expertise: Long-Term Care, Organization of Care

Investigator Award
Integration of Long-Term Care into the Mainstream: The Case of Nursing Homes
Award Year: 1996 Few integrated delivery systems, products of the consolidation of health care delivery and financing, have focused on the role of long-term care (LTC) in general, and nursing homes in particular. Yet many nursing facilities across the nation are contracting with managed care organizations. Drs. Mor and Zinn chronicle how nursing home providers are adapting to changes in the environment and measure the effects on patient care. Their project: 1) documents the rise of integrated delivery systems that include traditional LTC providers and their influence on system policy decisions; 2) determines whether such systems accelerate differentiation of services in nursing homes (e.g., sub-acute care and rehabilitation units); 3) identifies access and quality consequences for Medicaid recipients in nursing homes; and 4) recommends options for organizing care and minimizing service delivery disruptions associated with developing Medicare/Medicaid managed care for the elderly and disabled, especially those who are poor.


After a successful career as a hospital administrator at Temple University Hospital and The Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Jacqueline Zinn joined the Fox School to teach healthcare, strategic management and business policies. Dr. Zinn teaches in both the undergraduate and graduate programs and has chaired or advised on over twenty dissertations. She has over fifty peer-reviewed research articles and 80 scientific presentations examining the influence of market competition and organizational characteristics on quality and access in health care settings, comparing severity-adjusted outcomes of care. Dr. Zinn is the 1996 recipient of the John D. Thompson Prize for research achievement, and is a 1997 co-recipient of a Robert Wood Johnson Investigator Award. In recognition of her teaching performance, she was awarded the 2000 Andrisani-Frank Award for Excellence in Teaching.